Natural Collisions

Investing in Nonprofit Wellness | NC #14

Episode Summary

Join us to explore the importance of a healthy work environment in a nonprofit sector that prioritizes wellbeing.

Episode Notes

Investing in Nonprofit Wellness is a continuation of our “Fund Well Series,” a series of episodes focused on the importance of Funding Wellbeing for nonprofit leaders and teams.

The “colliders” for this conversation all play an important role in supporting the wellbeing of the communities they serve. Our guests understand the need to elevate the importance of healthy nonprofit work environments in the sector that prioritizes wellbeing. Join us to explore a few tactics and benefits of a wellbeing culture in the workplace.

00:00 - Welcome
01:23 - Guest Introductions
03:12 - The Importance of Wellbeing
11:22 - Challenges to BIPOC Healthy Work Environments
26:55 - Funding & Fostering Workplace Wellbeing
38:58 - Final Thoughts

Yolo Akili Robinson, Founder and Executive Director -
Asia Blaney, Grants Program Manager -
Lily Salas, Community Investment Officer -
Terry E. Whitfield, (former) Partnership Manager -
Charnae Sanders, Program Manager -

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